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OpenSimulator 0.7.6 and onwards ships with built-in user profiles support. This supports the dialog-based user profiles seen in Singularity and similar third-party viewers, but not the purely web-based profiles seen in other viewers.

The system does not allow for the previous profile support mechanism to be shared with the built-in mechanism.

Before OpenSimulator 0.7.6, user profiles was supported using an externally added module. See Profile for more information.


Enabling the built-in user profiles support requires

  1. Configuration of the Service for a grid (in Robust.ini or Robust.HG.ini), or for a standalone (in StandaloneCommon.ini) as appropriate.
  2. Configuration in OpenSim.ini

Configuration for a Grid Service

The user profiles service needs to be enabled and the connector set up so that the appropriate JSON RPC methods are available to simulators.

Enable service

This requires a UserProfilesService section. You should be able to use the one from Robust.ini.example (or Robust.HG.ini.example) with Enabled = true. For instance

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserProfilesService.dll:UserProfilesService"
    Enabled = true
    ;; Configure this for separate profiles database
    ;; ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=*****;Old Guids=true;"
    ;; Realm = UserProfiles
    UserAccountService = OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService
    AuthenticationServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"

If it is desired to provide a separate database for the user profile data, then remove the leading ';' from ConnectionString and Realm, providing the needed values to connect the service to your data source. The data source must be created and configured for access before use.

Enable connector

In the [ServiceList] section of Robust.ini or Robust.HG.ini, this requires the connector to be set up on a port that is available to the simulators (and only the simulators). Usually, this would be the same private port on which other grid-only services are exposed. For instance

UserProfilesServiceConnector = "8002/OpenSim.Server.Handlers.dll:UserProfilesConnector"

Publish Profile Server URI for HyperGrid

The [LoginService] section of the Robust.HG.ini file needs the connection details for the Profile Service so that foreign users will be able to view the profile of your users when they travel to other grids via HyperGrid. Set the value of SRV_ProfileServerURI to the URI your Profile Service is configured to use. See the following for example.

SRV_ProfileServerURI =

Configuration for Region Servers in OpenSim.ini

For each OpenSim region server (OpenSim.exe) the OpenSim.ini file needs to contain a [UserProfiles] section with a ProfileServiceURL set that the simulator can reach (not the viewer). For instance, if your grid services are on the same LAN as your region server(s) are running on a machine with IP address, then this setting would be

  ProfileServiceURL =

See OpenSim.ini.example for more details.

Configure for a Standalone Service

Configuring the Standalone simulator to make the built-in Profile Service available is accomplished by editing the StandaloneCommon.ini file in the bin/config-include directory.

Enable service

Find the [UserProfileService] section in your StandaloneCommon.ini and make the necessary changes for your site

    LocalServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.UserProfilesService.dll:UserProfilesService"
    Enabled = true

    ;; Configure this for separate databse
    ; ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=***;Old Guids=true;"
    ; Realm = UserProfiles

    UserAccountService = OpenSim.Services.UserAccountService.dll:UserAccountService
    AuthenticationServiceModule = "OpenSim.Services.AuthenticationService.dll:PasswordAuthenticationService"

The preceding example will enable the UserProfiles service using the main database for the profile tables. If a separate database is desired for the profiles data, remove the leading ';' from the ConnectionString and Realm entries. Provide the correct values to the ConnectionString for your profiles database. The data source must be created and configured for access before use.

Publish Profile Server URI for HyperGrid

If the Standalone is configured for HyperGrid operation, then the profile service URL will need to be published to allow foreign users to view your user's profiles when they travel to other grids. This is accomplished by setting the value of the SRV_ProfileServerURI which is found under the [LoginService] section in the StandaloneCommon.ini. For example

SRV_ProfileServerURI =

Configuration in OpenSim.ini

The OpenSim.ini file needs to contain a [UserProfiles] section with a ProfileServiceURL set, e.g.

  ProfileServiceURL =

See OpenSim.ini.example for more details.


If you are using the built-in user profile, make sure you do not have another profile module in the bin folder (eg: OpenSimProfile module). This could cause errors.

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