Show stats/de
From OpenSimulator
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"show stats" ist ein neuer Statistiken zu sammeln Mechanismus langsam zu Open hinzugefügt wird bisher getrennten und Ad-hoc-Mechanismen zu integrieren. Für dieses System können Sie eine kurze Zusammenfassung Statistiken mit dem Befehl "show-Statistik" und eine viel längere Liste von Statistiken mit den "Statistiken anzeigen alle" sehen Befehl (die leider noch nicht die in der Zusammenfassung enthalten!).
Verwenden Sie die "Hilfe Statistiken anzeigen" Befehl auf der Konsole für weitere Informationen.
Siehe "help show stats" Befehl auf der Konsole für weitere Informationen.
Siehe Monitoring Informationen zu anderen Statistiken sammeln Mechanismen für Opensimulator.
Siehe Stats Manager für Informationen darüber , wie mit diesem Mechanismus Statistiken zu registrieren.
Allgemeine Konzepte
Der vollständige Name einer Statistik besteht aus drei Komponenten, die durch Punkte (.) Getrennt. Um diese
- Kategorie - Die Kategorie des Stat (zB Server, Scene)
- container - Die für diese Statistik enthält Objekt. Beispielsweise auf Szene ist dies die Szenennamen (zB Region 1). Für Server, das ist die Komponente, auf die die stat (zB Speicher, Prozessor) bezieht.
- Name - Der Stat selbst. Beispielsweise ClientLogoutsDueToNoReceives oder SimFPS.
Von der Konsole gibt es mehrere Möglichkeiten, um die Statistiken anzuzeigen:
- show stats gibt Simulator Statistiken in einem Legacy - Format
- show stats all zeigt alle registrierten Statistiken eine Zeile pro stat.
- show stats category container zeigt alle Statistiken innerhalb einer bestimmten Kategorie/container
Statistikinformationen Speichern für eine spätere Analyse sehr nützlich sein. Es gibt Befehle sowohl eine Momentaufnahme und eine kontinuierliche Aufzeichnung der Statistiken Informationen zu speichern. Es gibt auch eine Einrichtung Statistiken Informationen über eine URL abzurufen.
Statistiken speichern (Konsolenbefehl)
Dieser Befehl wird eine Momentaufnahme der aktuellen statistischen Daten zu einem bestimmten Pfad zu speichern. Beispielsweise
# stats save stats.txt
Wenn die Datei bereits vorhanden ist, werden die Statistiken angehängt.
Statistiken Rekordkonsolenbefehl
Bitte beachten Sie, dass in Open 0.7.6 dieser Befehl "debug Statistiken record" war.
Leider bedeutet einen Fehler in Open 0,8 , dass der Befehl "Statistiken Rekord start | stop" funktioniert nicht richtig, und wird ein Anwendungsfehler mit dem alten Befehlsnamen melden. Die Abhilfe ist der letzte Befehl zweimal (zB "Statistik Rekordstart start") zu wiederholen.
Dieser Fehler wurde in Open fixiert
Dies ist eine experimentelle facilty in Open 0.7.6 Start, die die Ergebnisse von "Show-Statistik alle" in eine Protokolldatei alle 5 Sekunden aufgezeichnet werden. Das Ziel ist es, statistische Informationen während einer Sitzung für eine spätere Analyse aufzeichnen. Die Protokollierung ist mit dem Konsolenbefehl aktiviert. Es funktioniert sowohl auf dem Simulator und eine ROBUST-Instanz.
# stats record start Now recording all stats to file every 5000ms
So stoppen Sie die Protokollierung, so oder Herunterfahren des Servers oder verwenden Sie den Befehl
# stats record stop Stopped recording stats to file.
Die Protokolldatei hat den gleichen Namen wie die Haupt Logfile für die ausführbare Datei mit dem Wort "Statistik" angehängt. Zum Beispiel auf Statistiken Drehen für OpenSim.exe Protokollierung in die Datei OpenSimStats.log schreiben. Für Robust.exe wird dies zu RobustStats.log schreiben.
Derzeit und in Open 0.7.6 erfordert diese Protokollierung Einträge in OpenSim.exe.config (und Robust.exe.config für Robust). Wenn Sie Ihre eigene Version dieser Dateien verwenden, dann müssen Sie sie für die Protokollierung Einträge anzupassen.
Die Auswirkungen auf die Leistung einer solchen Protokollierung sollte gering sein, obwohl die Größe der Protokolldatei sehr groß werden kann.
Webzugriff auf Statistiken
If [Startup]ManagedStatsRemoteFetchURI is defined and set to some value, the simulator statistics are available over the web via HTTP GET operations. The URL is the simulator's HTTP server URL appended with the value in ManagedStatsRemoteFetchURI.
The URL fetched accepts four different query parameters:
- cat which specifies a category to fetch. If no category is given, the special category "all" is use which return all categories;
- cont specified a container. If not specified, the special container "all" is used to return all containers
- stat specifies the name of the particular stat. If not specified, the stat "all" is used to return all stats.
- callback specifies if the returned JSON data is to be wrapped in a callback function.
For instance, for a simulator at IP address with the INI settings:
[Network] http_listener_port=9000 [Startup] ManagedStatsRemoteFetchURI=ManagedStats
example data fetches are:
- wget
- returns all stats registered in the simulator
- wget
- returns all stats registered with the category "server"
- wget
- returns all stats for the "threadpool" container within the "server" category
- wget
- returns the value for the specific stat
The data is returned in JSON format grouped as you might expect with maps of categories containing maps of containers containing maps of stats. For instance, the response to might look like:
{"server": {"threadpool": {"BuiltinThreadpoolIOCPThreadsAvailable": {"StatType":"Stat", "Category":"server", "Container":"threadpool", "ShortName":"BuiltinThreadpoolIOCPThreadsAvailable", "Name":"BuiltinThreadpoolIOCPThreadsAvailable", "Description":"BuiltinThreadpoolIOCPThreadsAvailable", "UnitName":"threads", "Value":1000.0 }, "BuiltinThreadpoolWorkerThreadsAvailable": {"StatType":"Stat", "Category":"server", "Container":"threadpool", "ShortName":"BuiltinThreadpoolWorkerThreadsAvailable", "Name":"BuiltinThreadpoolWorkerThreadsAvailable", "Description":"BuiltinThreadpoolWorkerThreadsAvailable", "UnitName":"threads", "Value":499.0 }, "STPActiveThreads": {"StatType":"Stat", "Category":"server", "Container":"threadpool", "ShortName":"STPActiveThreads", "Name":"STPActiveThreads", "Description":"STPActiveThreads", "UnitName":"threads", "Value":15.0 }, "STPConcurrency": {"StatType":"Stat", "Category":"server", "Container":"threadpool", "ShortName":"STPConcurrency", "Name":"STPConcurrency", "Description":"STPConcurrency", "UnitName":"threads", "Value":45.0 }, "STPInUseThreads": {"StatType":"Stat", "Category":"server", "Container":"threadpool", "ShortName":"STPInUseThreads", "Name":"STPInUseThreads", "Description":"STPInUseThreads", "UnitName":"threads", "Value":0.0 }, "STPMaxThreads": {"StatType":"Stat", "Category":"server", "Container":"threadpool", "ShortName":"STPMaxThreads", "Name":"STPMaxThreads", "Description":"STPMaxThreads", "UnitName":"threads", "Value":45.0 }, "STPMinThreads": {"StatType":"Stat", "Category":"server", "Container":"threadpool", "ShortName":"STPMinThreads", "Name":"STPMinThreads", "Description":"STPMinThreads", "UnitName":"threads", "Value":15.0 }, "STPWorkItemsWaiting": {"StatType":"Stat", "Category":"server", "Container":"threadpool", "ShortName":"STPWorkItemsWaiting", "Name":"STPWorkItemsWaiting", "Description":"STPWorkItemsWaiting", "UnitName":"threads", "Value":0.0 } } } }
Tools to analyze record stats data are under development at This includes summary and graphing tools.
Derzeit gibt es drei Arten von Statistik.
This is just a number, possibly with a unit. For example
server.threadpool.STPActiveThreads : 15 threads
Change over time
This is a number that also shows the last delta between samples and also a moving average of deltas over the last 20 samples, each taken 5 seconds apart. For example
clientstack.test one.IncomingUDPReceivesCount : 98, 1.2/s, 1.7/s
This is a percentage with the antecedent and consequent also given. For example
clientstack.test one.PacketsReused : 37.91% (116/306)
This information is highly subject to change as suitable data gathering is an evolving area. Need to keep adding stats.
These are stats for the LLUDP clientstack that sends and receives UDP messages for viewers connected with the Second Life protocol. Each stats with clientstack.<region-name>.
Stat name | Units | Description |
InboxPacketsCount | messages | The number of messages that have been pre-processed by an inbound network thread but are now waiting to be processed by the main Incoming Packets thread. If this number exceeds 0 for more than one sample then your simulator cannot cope with the number of UDP messages that clients are sending. Region performance will be degraded from the user perspective. |
IncomingPacketPoolCount | messages | The number of packet objects currently in the memory pool to deal with incoming messages. This pool is used to reduce memory churn and hence improve simulator performance. The actual number is never an issue since OpenSimulator will create new pool objects as required. |
IncomingPacketsMalformedCount | messages | Number of malformed packets that the simulator received from viewers. A high and increasing number may indicate a network attack. |
IncomingPacketsOrphanedCount | messages | Number of well-formed packets that the simulator received but did not relate to any currently logged in viewer. Because viewers can disconnect in the middle of a datastream, we would expect to see a certain number of such packets in the course of normal operation. However, if the number is very high (e.g. tens of thousands) and/or increasing then this may indicate a network attack. |
These are stats for OpenSimulator's built-in HTTP server. Statistics are partitioned (contained) by the incoming port number to which they relate. For example, httpserver.8002.HTTPRequestsServed are all the HTTP requests served that came in to port 8002.
Stat name | Units | Description |
HTTPRequestsServed | requests | The number of HTTP requests served. |
ProcessedPollResponses | responses | The number of responses sent to the viewer in response to poll requests. |
QueuedPollResponses | responses | The number of responses queued for the next viewer poll. |
These are stats relating to the graphical simulated scene.
Each starts with scene.<region-name>.
Stat name | Units | Description |
RootAgents | avatars | The number of root agents in the scene. A root agent is associated with an avatar since a root agent is needed for full sim functionality (e.g. moving around). |
ChildAgents | agents | The number of child agents in the scene. A child agent has limited functionality and is used by the viewer mainly to observe events in another scene (i.e. so that the user can see what's occuring in neighbouring regions). |
FrameTime | ms | The amount of time taken by OpenSimulator to complete the last frame. The standard frame time is 18.18ms. In normal conditions there will be some small variation above and below this number, probably due to the low resolution of thread sleeping. This number may occasionally jump if the underlying VM (Mono or .NET) takes a long time to perform a garbage collect. If this number is consistently higher then your simulator is overloaded. |
PhysicsTime | ms | Amount of time spent performing physics engine operations in a scene frame. If this is consistently high enough to make the FrameTime exceed the 18.18ms standard then region performance will be degraded. You will need to reduce the number of physical objects in your region. For OpenSimulator 0.7.6, ODE is used single-threaded and so extra cores will make no difference to performance. |
SpareTime | ms | The amount of time that was left over after OpenSimulator had performed all operations required in the current scene loop. During this period OpenSimulator sleeps the thread. |
SlowFrames | frames | In theory, this records the number of frames which took more than the standard frame time to execute. However, this measure may be buggy. |
These are stats relating to the server itself.
These are the times in milliseconds since the monitored thread last performed any activity. This is the same as the "LAST UDPATE" information shown by the "show threads" command.
These are server threadpool stats.
Each starts with server.threadpool.
Stat name | Units | Description |
BuiltinThreadpoolIOCPThreadsAvailable | threads | The number of pooled thread objects waiting to handle incoming IO requests. OpenSimulator sets this to a very high number by default. If you ever see this approach zero then your simulator is severely overloaded with respect to processing raw incoming IO requests. |
BuiltinThreadpoolWorkerThreadsAvailable | threads | The number of pooled thread objects in the Mono/.NET native threadpool available to handle requests. If you have async_call_method = UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem (or QueueUserWorkItem though "unsafe" is fine for our purposes) then is used for all OpenSimulator's threading requirements. If you have async_call_method = SmartThreadPool (which is the current default), then SmartThreadPool handles all the heavy thread launching requirements (and so see the server.threadpool.STP* stats). If this figure approaches zero then you simulator is severely overloaded. |
STPInUseThreads | threads | The number of SmartThreadPool threads currently in use. If this climbs to the maximum allowed by STPMaxThreads then the simulator will experience general performance degradation. In this case, try increasing the MaxPoolThreads setting in the [Startup] section of OpenSim.ini (e.g. to 150). |
STPMaxThreads | threads | Maximum number of threads that the SmartThreadPool will use. This is set by the MaxPoolThreads setting in the [Startup] section of OpenSim.ini (or OpenSimDefaults.ini). |
STPWorkItemsWaiting | items | The number of work items waiting because all SmartThreadPool threads are busy with current work items. You will see this start to climb if STPInUseThreads == STPMaxThreads. You never want to see this situation - if you have work items waiting then try increasing your MaxPoolThreads setting. |