RemoteAdmin:admin teleport agent

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admin_teleport_agent remotely teleport an agent to a given region and/or position



Enabling admin_teleport_agent

If not all functions are enabled, use admin_create_teleport_agent to enable the function in the [RemoteAdmin] section

enabled_methods = admin_teleport_agent,...


Required Parameters

These parameters are required

parameter Description Values
region_name Name of the new region
agent_id agent uuid, optionaly agent_first_name and agent_last_name

Optional Parameters

These parameters are optional and do not need to be set

parameter Description Values
agent_first_name first name of agent
agent_last_name last name of agent
pos_x teleport to region position x
pos_y teleport to region position y
pos_z teleport to region position z
lookat_x look in direction x
lookat_y look in direction y
lookat_z look in direction z

Returned Parameters

Returned Parameters

These parameters are returned by Remote Admin

parameter Description Values
success true

Error messages

No error messages


  • From commit 415b7b7 on Wed 7 Dec 2011 (OpenSimulator 0.7.3-dev)



This example needs the RemoteAdmin PHP Class file available here.

// Including the RemoteAdmin PHP class.
// Instantiate the class with parameters identical to the Python example above
$myRemoteAdmin = new RemoteAdmin('', 9000, 'secret');
// Invoke admin_teleport_agent (multiple parameters)
$parameters = array('region_name' => 'My Plaza', 'agent_first_name' => 'John', 'agent_last_name' => 'Doe', 'pos_x' => '15', 'pos_y' => '10');
$myRemoteAdmin->SendCommand('admin_teleport_agent', $parameters);


import xmlrpclib 
# XML-RPC URL (http_listener_port) 
simulatorURL = ""
# instantiate server object 
simulator = xmlrpclib.Server(simulatorURL) 
# invoke admin_alert: requires password and message 
simulator.admin_teleport_agent({'password':'secret', 'agent_first_name':'John','agent_last_name':'Doe','region_name':'My Plaza', 'pos_x':'15', 'pos_y':'10'})
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