Sounds (Content Creation)

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 01:43, 30 May 2023 by Tess Juel (Talk | contribs)

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This page is part of the Content Creation section of the OpenSimulator wiki.

Sounds clips can be used within (scripted) objects and as part of gestures.

Currently OpenSimulator supports sound files in PCM WAVE (.wav) 16-bit/44.1KHz/mono or stereo format. The maximum length is 10.00 seconds although it's generally recommended to keep them a fraction shorter.



Script functions

The yEngine, the script engine used by recent version of Opensimulator, supports all sound related LSL functions as well as several OSSL functions unique to opensim. Some of the OSSL function are duplicates of the similarly named LSL ones, the others add a link parameter but are other wise identical to the corresponding LSL ones.

The earlier xEngine may not support all opensim specific functions. A list of all sound related functions, sorted alphabetically, ignoring the prefix. Duplicate functions are listed on the same line. Links to LSL functions (with the prefix ll) lead to Second Life's LSL wiki, links to unique OSSL functions (with the prefix os) to pages on this wiki:

Names, UUIDs and storage

A script can call a sound by name or UUID. If it's called by name, the sound file has to be stored in the object along with the script. This is not necessary if it's called by UUID but it's still usually recommended due to the potential issues of retrieving assets from a different grid.

Client sounds

These are mainly the default alert sounds used by the viewers. There is a list of the ones used by second life at Some of these are also available on opensim but not all of them so test them before you use them.




Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems.


Compose sound and music on Windows, Linux and OS X.

Content Libraries


An exceptional repository of permissively licensed content for game creation.

The Freesound Project

The Freesound Project is a collaborative database of Creative Commons licensed sounds.

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