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Revision as of 09:23, 16 November 2008 by WiseguyCapra (Talk | contribs)

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de Diese Person spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
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Not much to say about me. I have been active in Sl since Jan. 2007. I own [SLCI] together with my partner Snap Spitteler. Our main focus in SL is textures, prefab creation and some scripted products. However, neither one of us is a "script wiz". We have been using apez since we started in SL and by offering to moderate the forum I hope I can contribute a little to apez future.

[SLCI products]

All SLCI products are listed on apez. [SLCI]'s products are split in 3 groups by our team members:

items by slci Planer (includes, scritped objects,commercial & residential prefabs,rez system,tools, building components and more)

items by Wiseguy Capra (includes mainly commercial & residential prefabs)

items by Snap Spitteler (includes mainly commercial & residential prefabs)

[SLCI] projects

[SLCI] does custom & commercial building in SL as well as content creation. Over the last year we have taken part in the development in several SL sims such as "Paradise Heights", "Knightsbridge" Virtual London and others. We also offer custom buildig services for SL residents on moderate rates.

Virtual Battlespace 2

Yes, there is a life besides SL. It's called VBS2. I have been a active scenario designer for Virtual Battlespace for the last 4 years. VBS2™ - Virtual Battlespace 2 - is a fully interactive, three-dimensional training system providing a premium synthetic environment suitable for a wide range of military (or similar) training and experimentation purposes.

It has also a very small global "serious gamers" community. I think there is only about 800 people registered on the official VBS2 customer forum. I enjoy creating scenarios and training ops for VBS2. Second Life is a great place to have a break from flying around in UH-60's or drive over 200skm maps in your Tanks :-)

However, it's a amazing simulator, so check out the official site to see more about it.

More soon...

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