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Revision as of 07:41, 7 November 2019 by Djphil (Talk | contribs)

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string osLoadedCreationDate()
  • This function returns a string containing the date that a sim was first created. An example of the string returned is "Monday, December 07, 2009".
  • It will return empty string if the region hasn't been created by oar import, or the region uses SQLite for region database.
Threat Level Low
Extra Delay 0 seconds
//Example Usage:
default {
    touch_start(integer num) {
        string data = "\n\n Creation Date: " + osLoadedCreationDate();
        data += "\n Creation Time: " + osLoadedCreationTime();
        data += "\n Creation ID: " + osLoadedCreationID();
        llSay(0, data);
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