Scripting Documentation/de
From OpenSimulator
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Über Scripte im OpenSimulator
Eine wichtige Zutat in Second Life ist das Skripting. Es ist der Motor, der alles antreibt.
In SL LSL (Linden Scripting Language) ist die Sprache, die Sie verwenden müssen.
Diese Sprache hat ihre Grenzen und wird sehr langsam ausgeführt.
Aber nichtsdestoweniger funktioniert es und es erledigt die Arbeit.
OpenSimulator unterstützt heute LSL (mit zusätzlichen OSSL- und verschiedenen anderen Funktionen) und C # -Skripten. Aber mit Einschränkungen:
Nicht alle Befehle und Ereignisse wurden implementiert.
Weitere Informationen darüber, welche Befehle funktionieren und welche nicht, finden Sie unter Scripting System Status.
Patches zur Implementierung fehlender Funktionen sind sehr willkommen.
Die OpenSimulator-Skript-Engine kompiliert den LSL-Code bis zu .Net-Code, der JIT auf CPU-nativen Code (in Laien ausgedrückt, wenn ein Skript auf OpenSim ausgeführt wird, wird es in etwas übersetzt, das die CPU direkt verstehen kann.).
Dies bedeutet, dass ein LSL-Skript in OpenSimulator schneller ausgeführt werden sollte als in Second Life.
Stabilität und Sicherheit: siehe Script werden in einer Sandbox ausgeführt.
Scripte Konfigurieren
Es gibt viele Einstellungsmöglichkeiten für Scripte. Es können bestimmte OSSL Befehle aktiviert, deaktiviert oder nur für bestimmte Avatars erlaubt werden. Die Ablaufgeschwindigkeit der Scripte kann angepasst werden und noch vieles mehr.
Für die meisten Fälle sollten die Standard Einstellungen reichen. Sollte doch etwas umgestellt werden müssen kannst du unter Scripte Konfigurieren weitere Informationen finden.
How to use scripts in OpenSimulator
If you have never written a script in LSL before, then please have a look at the LSL wiki to learn the scripting basics. If you do have (some) experience with writing or editing LSL scripts, then the procedure is identical to the procedure on SL.
Known problems:
- Error messages about scripting errors are often cryptic, and tend to be long.
- List memory optimization hacks like this ... myList = llListReplaceList((myList = []) + myList, ["myString"], 2, 2); ... will fail.
- Linux/Mac users will need to upgrade the default mono to "mono-complete" in order to have a fully functional scripting engine in OpenSimulator. See the bug tracker for details.
Scripting System Status
Status Tables / Charts related to LSL and OSSL functions, constants and related material.
Additional Resources for Scripting (LSL)
There have been many questions regarding scripts and tools for scripting lately. Presented here are a variety of Links to Resources which will help most people with Scripting LSL.
OpenSimulator Specific Materials:
- OSSL Functions with examples - A good place to start reading about OSSL scripting.
- OSSL Script Library A library of scripts which utilize OSSL functions.
Suggested Links for LSL wikis:
- (Historical reference wiki)
Note the Tutorials, Examples & Script Libraries
Off-World Local LSL Editing Tools & Syntax Highlighters
Note: most do not support osFunctions
- Now an Open Source project. New release is February 2012 (Ver.2.44.2). A valuable tool and easy install.
- Open source Eclipse plugin. Regular updates. Not quite as quick to get installed as LSLEditor, but very good tool.
Notepad++ (osFunctions supported with add-on UDF)
- Windows only Editor with enhanced capabilities & supports most languages. Very powerful & feature rich.
- Free and open source text editor, supporting lots of scriptinmg and programming languages out of the box. This includes LSL.
Sublime Text 2 (os*/wl*/mod* functions supported with the bundle below)
- Completions & syntax coloring of LSL/OSSL functions/events/constants & in-world editor look-and-feel theme.
- To use OSSL feature, use ".ossl" for your script file extension.
- It is currently compatible with LL v3.4.1 and OpenSimulator v0.7.4+ (master r/21068).
More editors are listed at
Syntax Highlighting
- GeSHi project home page
- Most current version of GeSHI for download
- GeSHi LSL support file includes osFunctions & updated
- Extra Reference at MediaWiki: GeSHi Syntax Highlighter for WIKI and Forums
- Presentation Board - Simple Presentation Board that slides through inventory textures...
- GitHub FS2LSL - FS2LSL Online-Offline LSL/OSSL script editor for WEB or Windows (Programming for beginners)
Additional Resources for Scripting (OSSL)
There have been many questions regarding scripts and tools for scripting lately. Presented here are a a few links to Resources which will help most people with OSSL scripting.
- OSSL Functions with examples - A good place to start reading about OSSL scripting.
- OSSL Script Library A library of scripts which utilize OSSL functions.
- OSSL Proposals - Suggestions for custom OSSL functions. Got a suggestion too? Add it!
- Drawing commands - How to use the texture draw functions supported in OSSL.
- OSSL TextureDrawing - Details of the OSSL texture drawing functions.
- Language Translation - A script which uses the JSON parsing function to call Google's Translation API
- OSGrid Forums - LSL/OSSL discussions, examples, tips, etc.
How to contribute
The ScriptEngine is being developed by many developers. New developers are always welcome. If you want to contribute, even just a tiny little bit, have a look at the OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine page. There is a lot of developer activity on IRC (Support), feel free to drop in.
- OSSL Standards - A whitepaper concerning naming-standards for the OpenSimulator scripting language
- OpenSim.Region.ScriptEngine.Common - How to create your own script engine
- DotNet-Engine - Describes some of the esoteric parts of the DotNet-Engine
See Also
- Scripting Engine - Xengine Script Engine Transition (By Melanie_T)
- Scripting Languages - Supported Scripting Languages
- LSL/OSSL Status - Status and news about LSL and OSSL
- OSSL Enabling Functions - How to enable OSSL functions.
- Threat level - Information about OSSL threat levels.