User talk:ClarkZone

From OpenSimulator

Revision as of 04:06, 14 February 2008 by ClarkZone (Talk | contribs)

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-- February 14th, 2008 -- For Those Not Arware I changed my Domain to my site. The New one is now [1]

-- September 12th, 2007 -- For Awhile Now i been watching the OpenSim Project when it was just a new born. lol I been testing it and been seeing how far its been coming along. And today i decided to let my self be more open and welcome anyone to connect to my test grid. which is not providing the abilty for people to add sims of there own. i been keeping up with the project and grid mode is currently unstable and not working all that well. Hopely Once its more stable and supported ill open the Doors to that abilty.So Far Ive had Friends Loging in Testing things. so far log ins havent been a issue. but there are other things that are still issues at hand. For Now the Sims i Run on Sandbox mode are all ran by the server runing it from my home. My Main goal is to have a small grid for friends and there friends. to have nice places to build all for free and a place to go when the Linden Lab grid is acting up with there common asset issues or there offline for maintances. If you Like to be a part of my friends to have a palce your welcome. sign up for my website and if you want up to date notices join my group in Secondlife. its open join. just look up ClarkZone and if you see more then one group with that title. look for one created by Troy Childs :)

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