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Revision as of 15:13, 14 November 2007 by Demetrius (Talk | contribs)

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OpenSim es un proyecto bajo licencia BSD Open Sourcey es proyecto de desarrollo de una plataforma servidor para mundos virtuales es capaz de soportar múltiples clientes y servidores en una red de estructura heterogénea. OpenSim está escrito en C#, y corre sobre Mono o Microsoft .NET.


Ultimas Noticias

Lanzado OpenSim 0.4.0! (Pendiente para traducir)

The OpenSim team is happy to announce the first alpha release of OpenSim, version 0.4.0. This release focuses on stand-alone mode (with one or more regions). Some stuff works, a lot doesn't. If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.

Stuff that works:

  • standalone mode with one or more regions
  • basic physics (no object collisions)
  • persistence of users, prims, assets, and inventory via sqlite
  • basic building, custom-texture uploads
  • avatar editing

More advanced physics, in-world scripting, grid mode, and support for other database backends are not supported in this release, though they may work from time-to-time before crashing with an earth-shattering kaboom! All of these are under active development, and are being worked on for the 0.5.0 release.

Source distributions in both .tar.gz and .zip can be found at the OpenSim Downloads site.

Empezando con OpenSim (Pendiente para traducir)

Desarrollo de OpenSim (Pendiente para traducir)

The OpenSim Team is currently working towards the 0.5 release of OpenSim. See the Roadmap for details.

Top 10 bugs we are working on Top 10 Bugs are a dynamic list of those bugs that affect forward progress.

Recent Changes

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Participating in the OpenSim Community (Pendiente para traducir)

OpenSim is an open source project. This means that it is developed by anyone who wants to participate. This could be you! We welcome testers and developers alike. Please see the Contributions Policy for more details.

If you need help or want to help the best way to get

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