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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
17:32, 5 January 2008Big opensim.jpg (file)63 KBNixnerd (Mainly for the benefit of nebbadon - I *personally* feel this logo has more merits to represent the opensim community than the hippo logo - as I feel it looks more *corporate* My apologies to the original creator of the attached logo - as I did my level b)1
18:59, 2 January 2008Babblefrog.jpg (file)19 KBBabblefrog 2
13:37, 1 January 2008BuildSystemBuildMasterBuildSlaves.png (file)36 KBDaedius (This is a diagram of the build system and how Build Master and Build Slaves interact)1
13:36, 1 January 2008BuildSystemStatusDelivery.png (file)65 KBDaedius (This is a diagram of the build system and how status delivery should work)1
13:36, 1 January 2008BuildSystemBuildSlaves.png (file)49 KBDaedius (This is a diagram of the build system and build slaves at a high level)1
13:35, 1 January 2008BuildSystemBuildDistrobution.png (file)51 KBDaedius (This is a diagram of the build system and how build distrobution occurs )1
13:34, 1 January 2008BuildSystemHighLevel.png (file)41 KBDaedius (This is a diagram of the build system at a high level)1
13:44, 25 December 2007BullRun CentralGrid.jpg (file)61 KBMaltossosa (BullRun - Art Gallery inside Central Grid)1
14:34, 24 December 2007LSL-Status1224.jpg (file)22 KBAlondria 1
14:34, 24 December 2007LSL-Status.jpg (file)22 KBAlondria 3
15:02, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot5-thumb.png (file)133 KBTwitch 1
15:02, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot4-thumb.png (file)117 KBTwitch 1
15:02, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot3-thumb.png (file)125 KBTwitch 1
15:02, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot2-thumb.png (file)139 KBTwitch 1
15:01, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot1-thumb.png (file)99 KBTwitch 1
11:46, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot5.png (file)174 KBTwitch 1
11:45, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot4.png (file)127 KBTwitch (router configuration screen image)1
11:45, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot3.png (file)171 KBTwitch (router configuration screen image)1
11:44, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot2.png (file)180 KBTwitch (router configuration screen image)1
11:33, 19 December 2007Router config snapshot1.png (file)117 KBTwitch (router config screens for DLink GamerLounge ExtreN router)1
23:25, 16 December 2007LSL-Function-Status.jpg (file)17 KBAlondria 1
11:56, 15 December 2007Grids Architecture Diagram.jpg (file)82 KBDarok 1
18:06, 12 December 2007My20000Test 001.jpg (file)224 KBTeravus (Test of a sim with 20,256 prim. Dual Core 3Ghz processor using 25% of the overall processor. 145MB memory usage. Windows)1
00:33, 7 December 2007GUImod.jpg (file)91 KBCharlie Omega (I made some serious mods to the GUI that recently was made and was wondering if anyone would be interested enough in this based off the image. Never really had any svn experience as far as submissions and not a "real" coder. So no clue yet how to accompl)1
22:53, 25 November 2007Memory 20071121-1045 connect-failure.gif (file)14 KBJohan 2
22:52, 25 November 2007Packets-gc.gif (file)15 KBJohan 2
22:52, 25 November 2007Memory.gif (file)12 KBJohan 2
22:51, 25 November 2007Packets-normalised.gif (file)9 KBJohan 2
14:43, 17 November 2007Snapshot nix 02.jpg (file)167 KBNixnerd 1
14:35, 17 November 2007Snapshot nix 01.jpg (file)625 KBNixnerd 1
13:28, 17 November 2007Grandegrid.jpg (file)48 KBDemetrius 1
13:26, 17 November 2007Pequeñagrid.jpg (file)19 KBDemetrius 1
13:21, 17 November 2007Ar OpenGrid.jpg (file)48 KBDemetrius (Reverted to earlier revision)5
06:05, 15 November 2007OpenSimIcon ALPHAespañol.png (file)7 KBDemetrius 1
23:06, 29 October 2007Phoenix lake 20071029.jpg (file)65 KBDarb (View southerly of Phoenix Reservoir above Ross, California. Orthoimagery source: National Agricultural Imagery Program (2005) 1-meter natural color. Terrain Source NGA/USGS 2-meter model (2003). The NAIP imagery is textured onto a 256m square prim.)1
23:05, 29 October 2007Kentfield 20071029.jpg (file)74 KBDarb (View northerly of Kentfield and Greenbrae, California. Orthoimagery source: National Agricultural Imagery Program (2005) 1-meter natural color. Terrain Source NGA/USGS 2-meter model (2003). The NAIP imagery is textured onto a 256m square prim.)1
15:50, 28 October 2007Tam 49a 20071028 3.jpg (file)70 KBDarb (Standalone 49-region model, 1:4.5-scale terrain from Mt. Tamalpais in Marin County, California. 49 regions with no prims take 90s to stand up, and 3:45 to run terrain load-tile with the scaled RL terrain. Server is 1GHz Celeron, 1.5 GB memory, Ubuntu Gu)1
15:49, 28 October 2007Tam 49 20071028 2.jpg (file)55 KBDarb (Standalone 49-region model, 1:4.5-scale terrain from Mt. Tamalpais in Marin County, California. 49 regions with no prims take 90s to stand up, and 3:45 to run terrain load-tile with the scaled RL terrain. Server is 1GHz Celeron, 1.5 GB memory, Ubuntu Gu)1
15:49, 28 October 2007Tam 49 20071028 1.jpg (file)60 KBDarb (Standalone 49-region model, 1:4.5-scale terrain from Mt. Tamalpais in Marin County, California. 49 regions with no prims take 90s to stand up, and 3:45 to run terrain load-tile with the scaled RL terrain. Server is 1GHz Celeron, 1.5 GB memory, Ubuntu Gu)1
05:34, 25 October 2007Osim sunset 20071024.jpg (file)78 KBDarb (This is a 1/4-scale model of real-life Strawberry Canyon, above the UC Berkeley campus. A terrain model from the US Geological Survey with values posted on a 2-meter grid was subsampled to 4-meter postings, exported as IEEE float 32, rotated 90 degrees c)1
10:25, 5 October 2007Tgz.png (file)4 KBNixnerd (These maintenance scripts for OpenSim have been created by Dalien, and allows those of you who run OpenSim under Linux to automatically make, upgrade, backup and run OpenSim. You can either download these files directly from the link on Dalians blog here)1
23:26, 25 September 2007Ai-Austin-500x375.jpg (file)29 KBAiaustin (Ai Austin in Second Life)1
02:25, 21 September 2007Darok&OpenSim.jpg (file)19 KBDarok 1
02:07, 21 September 2007Image3.jpg (file)83 KBNixnerd 2
08:17, 20 September 2007Image4.jpg (file)64 KBNixnerd 1
08:17, 20 September 2007Image2.jpg (file)20 KBNixnerd 1
08:17, 20 September 2007Image1.jpg (file)13 KBNixnerd 1
17:19, 18 September 2007NEBADON2025-05.jpg (file)206 KBNebadon (NEBADON TOWERS)1
14:23, 16 September 2007NEBADON2025-03.jpg (file)134 KBNebadon (NEBADON TOWER 03)1
14:23, 16 September 2007NEBADON2025-02.jpg (file)124 KBNebadon (NEBADON TOWER 2)1

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