User talk:Czubul

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Revision as of 20:21, 21 March 2008 by Czubul (Talk | contribs)

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My interest is in creating open financial mechanisms and a currency that pays a divident to its users, here is how I tried to put it on a forum:

Suppose you find a financial mechanism to liquidate a percentage of world GDP through capital markets on a monthly say basis and distribute it to 6.500.000.000 people so that every one gets something like 2.000 usd per year on top and regardless of whatever else they earn. That means a familly of 4 would have a very good income in countries like India - Africa - China etc. What would the effects of such a measure be on the environment and the economy?

My take: - Eliminate or minimize the need for Social Security, maybe solve this problem. - Eliminate the need for a lot of public sector jobs and public economic activity aimed only in providing a pretence for employment. - Maybe eliminate the need for a lot of consumer waste - Eliminate a lot of natural resource and energy waste associated with these activities - Minimize the wave of economic refugees from undeveloped coutries and get rid of the cost and waste of resources used to police immigration. - Maybe be able to open all borders - Maybe get rid of a couple of costly and destructive wars too - Ensure the solvency of the economic system - Minimize a great deal of criminal activities such as human trafficing, child labor, theft etc - Minimal employment will be enough for someone to advance financialy - Maybe also people leave expensive cities and reinhabit the countryside

And it could even go a bit further... Suppose also that maybe you increase a bit this "divident" and use it as the sole source of taxation. Abolish all other taxation on any form of productive economic activity, thus achieve an ideal productive economy. Couple this with the ability of persons to freely choose their country of residence and then only the optimal political and social organisms will attract residents and be able to increase their resources by taxing the resident's "divident" and employing their resources.

You can also couple that with a non inflationary central bank where the monetary base is comprised solely of say 100.000 usd per capita (no fractional reserve lending) and every person has an account and a share through which the divident is payed. There would be space for supply-side economics by abjusting the monetary base per share/capita, but only through depositing the increase in every persons account. The central bank could have limited intervention powers by adjusting the percentage of GDP to be liquidated and distributed each month. The Central Banker should be elected by business heads instead of government. Capital Markets should otherwise be free to create financial instruments and regulation proccesses according to needs.

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