From OpenSimulator
Revision as of 17:30, 23 January 2013 by Emperor Starfinder (Talk | contribs)
Contents |
This is user documentation for OpenSimulator, mainly aimed towards administrators of the system rather than the ultimate end-users who access the environment through a viewer. If you can't find what you want here you might want to try looking in the Developer Documentation.
For a summary of what features have been implemented in OpenSimulator, please see the Feature Matrix.
- Download - Download instructions
- Dependencies - The other packages you need to install that OpenSimulator relies upon
- Build Instructions - How to build and compile OpenSimulator from source
- Configuration - How to configure OpenSimulator so you can get the server up and running
- Configuring Regions - More details on configuring regions in Regions.ini
- Configuring Simulator Parameters - More details on the structure and configuration simulator parameters after the initial setup.
- Database Settings - Detailed configurations to connect to your database
- Map - Information on configuring OpenSimulator to serve map tiles.
- Upgrading - How to upgrade your OpenSimulator version so that you can use your existing data
- Network Settings - NAT, Ports, Services and more.
- Firewall Settings - Incomplete operating system specific instructions on how to open firewall ports for external OpenSimulator access.
- Tips - Useful tips from users like you
- OpenSim Graphics - Graphics that can be used on OpenSimulator websites, viewer login pages or products.
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- Troubleshooting - General troubleshooting tips and links to other pages.
- Appearance Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting appearance specific issues (cloudy and grey avatars).
User Guide
- Connecting - How to connect a compatible viewer to OpenSimulator.
- Glossary - A glossary of terms used in OpenSimulator.
Administrator Guide
- Server Commands - Commands to control OpenSimulator
- OpenSim.exe Command Line Options - Switches when you launch OpenSimulator.
- Directory Structure - Information about OpenSimulator's directory structure.
- Useful Queries - Some useful queries for manipulating the OpenSimulator database.
- Logging - Logging in OpenSimulator
- Monitoring - Monitoring OpenSimulator
- Threading - Information on the way that threads are used in OpenSimulator, including information on the thread tracking report.
- Automating Tasks - How to make administrating a walk in the park
- RestConsole - Using the remote console.
- Performance - How to tweak OpenSim's performance and some tips on scaling.
- Console-less OpenSim - How to run OpenSimulator without console
- Backups - How to backup your OpenSimulator data.
- RemoteAdmin - Using the XMLRPC administration interface for executing commands remotely.
- AuthIntegration - How to integrate external systems (such as web frontends) with OpenSimulator.
- UserManipulation - How to create users in OpenSimulator via external calls through ROBUST (only available when running in grid configuration).
- Known Web Interfaces within OpenSim - The set of CAPS, XMLRPC, or REST entry points in the project.
Core Features
- Feature Matrix - Matrix of features currently implemented by OpenSimulator.
- Scripting Documentation - Everything you need to know about OpenSimulator scripting, and the list of sample scripts
- OpenSim Archives - Loading and saving whole region archives with OpenSimulator
- OpenSimulator Inventory Archives - Loading and saving user inventory items and folders with OpenSimulator
- NPC - Use of Non Player Characters (NPCs) in OpenSim, also known as bots.
- Custom Libraries - Describes how to add custom content to your OpenSimulator server
- IRCBridgeModule - A core OpenSimulator module for integrating IRC with a simulator.
- Hypergrid - Information about how to configure the experimental hypergrid architecture
- GridInfo - how to provide information about your grid to smart clients
- PhysicsEngines — Options for physics engines in OpenSimulator.
- Technical Reference - Technical Reference Guide
Optional Features
- AutoBackup - Module for automatically backing up a region to an OAR regularly using a different filename.
- Freeswitch Module - Using FreeSWITCH for voice in OpenSimulator.
- Mumble - Using Mumble/Whisper for voice in OpenSimulator.
- Enabling Groups — How to enable creating groups in your regions
- JsonStore Module -- Module for storing and sharing structured data among region modules and scripts
Experimental Features
These are even more alpha than the rest of the code and may not currently work properly.
- ModRex - How to setup the RealXtend server module
- RealXtend Viewer Linux - This tutorial describes how to use the RealXtend viewer on Linux, using wine
If you've written a tutorial or guide on this wiki or on an external site, then please feel free to add a link here and/or on more specific topic pages.
Platform specific
- OSHT - OpenSim HowTo: Configuring a Grid. This tutorial describes how to install and configure OpenSimulator in grid mode on a Linux platform.
- Linux Gridserver, the ubuntu way the quick and dirty way to install opensim under ubuntu (Linux)
- Wiimote - How to use a wiimote/nunchuk controller with the OpenSimulator viewer (Linux)
- Cacti - Generate Serverstats using the Cacti-Tool and SNMP (Linux)
- Installing an openSUSE 11.1 Minimal server setup for an OpenSimulator server - Quick and Dirty setup on an openSUSE 11.1 server
- Streaming Media in OpenSim
- Chapter & Metaverse - Full suite of tutorials, tips and tricks, for the Windows user (Windows) Also very useful for Linux users!
- How to install osmodules on Windows using IIS - How to install osmodules on windows using IIS
- Getting Started with Region Modules - The Hello World of OpenSimulator application development
- Using L3DT - How to create custom terrains
- Detailed cross-region terrain making - A workflow for creating large cross-region custom terrains
- How to make a good Terrain (includes 4 programs to use)
- Japanese Manual for Construction of OpenSimulator Server System on Linux by NSL (Sorry, Japanese only)
- David W. Deeds' OpenSimulator School Quick Start Guide - David W. Deeds' OpenSimulator School Quick Start Guide courtesy of Changchun American International School. Has lots of useful and interesting info, including lesson plans.
Gforge Projects
- OpenSimSearch - Search for your OpenSimulator
- ServerStats - RRD/Proc serverstats using the OpenSimulator module for Berlios Serverstats (Linux)