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<b>言語:</b>[[OpenSimSpanish | スペイン語]], [[OpenSimGerman | ドイツ語]], [[fr | フランス語]], [[OpenSimItalian | イタリア語]], [[メインページ | 日本語]]
<b>言語:</b>[[OpenSimSpanish | スペイン語]], [[OpenSimGerman | ドイツ語]], [[fr | フランス語]], [[OpenSimItalian | イタリア語]], [[メインページ | 日本語]]
<b>Wiki stats:</b> Pages:{{NUMBEROFPAGES}} Edits:{{NUMBEROFEDITS}} Users:{{NUMBEROFUSERS}}
<b>Wiki統計:</b> ページ:{{NUMBEROFPAGES}} 編集:{{NUMBEROFEDITS}} ユーザー:{{NUMBEROFUSERS}}
[[Category:Getting Started]]
[[Category:Getting Started]]
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[[Category:Office Hours]]

Revision as of 02:59, 10 February 2008

OpenSimulatorプロジェクトは、BSDライセンスのオープンソース・アプリケーション・プラットフォームです。which can be used for creating immersive 3D Virtual Interactive Environments such as a Virtual world. Out of the box, the OpenSim can be used to create a Second Life like environment, able to run in a standalone mode or connected to other OpenSim instances through built in grid technology. It can also easily be extended to produce more specialized 3D interactive applications.


OpenSimは、現在、svn trunkバージョンの活発なテストによるアルファ版の開発段階にあります。活動に参加するには、まず、活動方針を読み、OpenSimの価値とは何かを理解してください。


Search by Category: User pages || Developer pages


OpenSim is an open source project. This means that it is developed by anyone who wants to participate. This could be you! We welcome testers and developers alike.

  • Contributions Policy - Read about the contribution policy before contributing to the OpenSim project

Getting online

There are several public grids and several standalone arrays running 24/7. For the casual user as well as those who want to run their own public regions, there is a list of available sims at OpenSim: Grids. Most of these grids have representation on the #opensim chat channel for asking and answering questions.

While OpenSim is not affiliated with any one grid there are many prominent Grids.




ユーザと開発者のコミュニケーション用として、いくつかのメーリングリストが利用できます。A list is available to subscribe to email SVN commit notifications.


  • カスタムosFunctionアイディア募集中

OpenSimスクリプト開発チームは、カスタム関数のアイデアや要望を受け付けています。詳しくは、OSSL Proposalsを参照してください。



Recent SVN Commits

Failed to load RSS feed (not array) from http://cia.vc/stats/project/opensim/.rss

Current Version is 0.5. The OpenSim Team is currently working towards the 0.6 release of OpenSim. See the Roadmap for details.

For more information on OpenSim development and on how you can make your mark, check out the development section.


Please use the SecondLife official client on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows- third party viewers and modified viewers add more variables to a bug, making it harder to track down. The bug may not even be an OpenSim one! Make sure you use only the official client. See notes on configuring your client over at the client setup page.

You can report bugs at the Mantis bugtracker.

Note: Some email providers are tagging Mantis emails as spam. If you sign up for a Mantis Account and don't get a confirmation email:

  • Check your spam folder, see if it is there. GMail is consistently tagging these as spam.
  • If you are using Yahoo, you'll need to wait ~ 8 hrs to receive any email from opensimulator.org.


言語: スペイン語, ドイツ語, フランス語, イタリア語, 日本語

Wiki統計: ページ:6,140 編集:59,736 ユーザー:26,665

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